The future of the 2.0 kernel

From KernelTrap:
“The first 2.0 stable kernel was released over six years ago, in June of 1996. It was followed by the 2.2 stable kernel two and a half years later, in
January of 1999. The more recent 2.4 stable kernel followed by two years in January of 2001. And the upcoming 2.6 kernel is at least a year off.
Through all these years, 2.0 has continued to be maintained, currently up to revision 2.0.39, also released in January of 2001. David Weinehall
maintains this kernel, and says, “there _are_ people that still use 2.0 and wouldn’t consider an upgrade the next few years, simply because they know
that their software/hardware works with 2.0 and have documented all quirks. Upgrading to a newer kernel-series means going through this work again.””


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