10 React Native Libraries Every React Native Developer Should Know About


If you are starting out a new app development project, chances are pretty high that you have already decided writing it with React Native. React Native gives you benefit of leveraging a single codebase to produce two different kind of apps.

In order to make React Native app development simpler for you and spare you the time you would spend composing certain parts for your application, you can take the assistance of some magnificent React Native libraries that do the hard work for you, making it simple to integrate the basis or some newest features in your app.

However, choosing the best React Native library for your project can be of much hassle for you since there are thousands of libraries out there. Henceforth, here I am mentioning 10 best React Native libraries that you may find useful while developing an app with React Native.

1) Create-react-native-app

Establishing the Initial setup for your React Native app can be much of time consuming especially if you are just starting out to develop your first app. Create-react-native-app is a library that comes handy if you want to develop a React Native app without any build configuration. Create React Native App enables you to work with a majority of Components and APIs in React Native, and in addition the greater part of the JavaScript APIs that the Expo App gives.

2) React-native-config

If you are a developer than you might already be familiar about an XML file which basically represents your app’s configuration file. The file stores any setting that you might want to change between deploys such as staging, environment variables, production or others. By default, some apps store this config as constants in the code which is a serious violation of 12 factors. Henceforth, it is very important to separate the config from the code. It is important to note that your app’s config may vary substantially across various deploys.

React-native-config is a cool library which makes it easier for you to stick and adhere to the 12 factor code while effectively managing your app config settings.

3) React-native-permissions

React-native-permissions allows you to implement check and request users permission anywhere in a React Native app. Currently, it offers you an easy access to the following permissions:

  • Location
  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Photos
  • Contacts
  • Events
  • Reminders (iOS only)
  • Bluetooth (iOS only)
  • Push Notifications (iOS only)
  • Background Refresh (iOS only)
  • Speech Recognition (iOS only)
  • Call Phone (Android Only)
  • Read/Receive SMS (Android only)

4) React Navigation

Widely known as one of the most widely used navigational library in the React Native ecosystem, React Navigation is an enhanced version of Navigator, NavigatiorExperimental and Ex-Navigation.

It’s written completely in JavaScript which has a gigantic upside in its own sense since you can transport updates to it OTA and you can submit patches without having to know Objective C/Java and the stage’s individual route APIs.

5) React-native-Animatable

Looking for a kickass library for implementing Animations in React Native? React Native Animatable is here to help you with just that.

React-native-animatable can be used in two ways to add Animations and transitions in a React Native app development: Declarative and Imperative.

When it comes to Declarative usage then its as simple as it sounds. Whatever name of pre-built animation will be declared in your code, animation will only be applied on the element for which it has been declared. Pretty straightforward! Right?

6) React Native Push Notifications

This library is very useful to implement push notifications in a React Native app. With some additional features such as schedule notification, repeat notification based on the day, week, time etc., the library stands out from all other libraries for push notifications in React Native.

7) React Native Material Kit

React Native Native Material Kit is a magnificent help for Material Design themed applications. The library gives you customizable yet ready made UI components such as buttons, cards, loading indicators, and floating label text fields etc.  Furthermore, there are numerous approaches to build every segment: pick either the constructor or JSX procedure to best fit the structure of your venture. This library is certain to spare a huge amount of time and styling exertion for any engineer with application plans established in Material rules.

8) React Native Code Push

Codepush let you deploy your React Native code over-the-air without much of hassle. Moreover, you will find codepush as a great deal for pushing bug fixes to your app without having to wait for your user to update their existing app’s version.

9) React-Native-Map

React Native Map is an awesome component which helps you to avoid necessary complications in case of apple and google maps. You will have a flexible and customizable map that can be zoomed or panned with markers by just using one simple <MapView> tag in your code. Moreover, the map which is rendered will feel smooth, native and high performant.

10) React Native Vector Icons

You might be well aware of the fact that how Icons contribute to improve user experience of an application. React Native Vector Icons may come last but it is definitely not the least in my list of Top 10 React Native libraries.  It boasts over a myriad number of well crafted icons which are contributed by renowned publishers. You can seamlessly integrate them to your app through the elegantly designed API provided by the library.


Aforementioned are some popular React Native libraries that deserves your utmost attention in React Native app development. 

Rakshit Soral is Technical consultant at Simform, a React Native app development company. he helps Fintech startups, agencies, and SMBs in adopting complete life-cycle management of apps from inception to design and development. Bitten by the Startup Bug, Rakshit is extremely passionate about authentic, innovation-based startup ideas including Growth hacking and Digital Marketing.