How to Install and Configure GitLab on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


GitLab is an open source GIT repository manager based on Rails and developed by GitLab Inc. It is a web-based GIT repository manager that allows your team to work on code, perform feature requests, track bugs, and test and implement applications. GitLab provides features such as a wiki, issue tracking, code reviews, activity feeds, and merge management. It is able to host multiple projects.

GitLab is available in four editions:

  1. Gitlab CE (Community Edition) – self-hosted, free and support from the Community forum.
  2. Gitlab EE (Enterprise Edition) – self-hosted, paid app, comes with additional features.
  3. – SaaS, free.
  4. – Private GitLab instance managed by GitLab Inc.

In this tutorial, I will show you step-by-step how to install GitLab CE (Community Edition) on your own Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) server. I will be using the ‘omnibus’ package provided by GitLab for easy installation.

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