Open Source Jobs Report: 3 Hot Skill Areas Now


In the IT job market right now, it pays to have open source skills. That’s the main takeaway from the seventh annual Open Source Jobs Report, conducted by The Linux Foundationand careers site Dice. Demand for experience and skills with open source platforms isn’t some overnight sensation, but it continues to grow more robust: 83 percent of hiring managers surveyed for the report said hiring open source talent was a priority this year, up from 76 percent last year.

For job seekers with open source chops, that means you’re in a strong position. And, increasingly, you know it: 55 percent of open source pros said they wouldn’t have trouble finding another job, and 87 percent indicated that knowing open source has advanced their career in some way.

For IT leaders and hiring managers, it’s a temperature check on what you’re up against in the competition for talent. FYI, the thermometer reads “scorching hot:” 87 percent of hiring managers said they encounter difficulties recruiting open source talent. That challenge has proven consistent during the last few years. 

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