GitOps: ‘Git Push’ All the Things


While the idea of cloud-native computing promises to change how modern IT operations work, the idea remains vague for many who work in the profession. “GitOps,” an idea that generated some buzz at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU conference in Copenhagen last week, could bring some much-needed focus to this area.

GitOps is all about “pushing code, not containers,” said Alexis Richardson, Weaveworks CEO and chair of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation‘s Technical Oversight Committee, in his KubeCon keynote. The idea is to “make git the center of control,” of cloud-native operations, for both the developer and the system administrator,  Richardson said.

“The key point of the developer experience is ‘git-push,’” he said, alluding to the git command used to submit code as finished. He added that this approach is “entirely code-centric.”

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