Speak at Embedded Linux Conference + OpenIoT Summit NA: CFP Closes in 4 Days


Submit your proposal now to speak at Embedded Linux Conference + OpenIoT Summit in Portland, Oregon, March 12 – 14, 2018. Share your expertise with 900+ technologists in the embedded Linux and IoT space.

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We’re seeking a wide range of talks, from Real-Time Linux to Security; Industrial Automation to Public Infrastructure; and Linux in Automotive and IoT. Proposals are due Sunday, January 7 by 11:59 p.m. PST.

Suggested Topics for Embedded Linux Conference:

  • Audio, Video, Streaming Media and Graphics

  • Security

  • System Size, Boot Speed

  • Real-Time Linux – Performance, Tuning and Mainlining

  • SDKs for Embedded Products

  • Flash Memory Devices and Filesystems

  • Build Systems, Embedded Distributions and Development Tools

  • Linux in Devices such as Mobile Phones, DVRs, TV, Cameras, etc.

  • Use of Linux in Automotive

  • Drones and Robots

  • Linux in the Internet of Things

  • Practical Experiences and War Stories

  • Standards

  • Public Infrastructure

  • Industrial Automation

Suggested Topics for OpenIoT Summit:

  • Real-Time OS (Zephyr, RIOT, MyNewt, FreeRTOS, NuttX, mbed and others)

  • Outside World Meets IoT (Sensor Interaction, Low Footprint, Connected Sensors, EMF/RFI Impact)

  • Bootloaders, Firmware & Updates

  • Containers

  • Distributed Edge

  • Application Technologies

  • On-device Analytics

  • Blockchain for Constrained Devices

  • Device Management

  • Power Management

  • Configuration Management

  • Developing for Security

  • Safety Considerations

  • Certifications – Lessons Learned Taking Devices to Product

Have a great idea, case study, or technical tutorial you’d like to share? Learn more about the CFP process and submit your speaking proposal before the CFP closes on January 7.