HTTPS Certificate Revocation Is Broken, and It’s Time for Some New Tools


We have a little problem on the web right now and I can only see it becoming a larger concern as time goes by: more and more sites are obtaining certificates, vitally important documents needed to deploy HTTPS, but we have no way of protecting ourselves when things go wrong.


We’re currently seeing a bit of a gold rush for certificates on the Web as more and more sites deploy HTTPS. Beyond the obvious security and privacy benefits of HTTPS, there are quite a few reasons you might want to consider moving to a secure connection that I outline in my article Still think you don’t need HTTPS?. Commonly referred to as “SSL certificates” or “HTTPS certificates”, the wider Internet is obtaining them at a rate we’ve never seen before in the history of the web. Every day I crawl the top one million sites on the Web and analyze various aspects of their security and every 6 months I publish a report. You can see the reports here, but the main result to focus on right now is the adoption of HTTPS.

Read more at Ars Technica