Linux Rules the World. Where to Next?


On the back of some significant improvements in the last year and a half, Linux is now the model for software development.

At LinuxCon, Jim Zemlin, the Linux Foundation’s executive director, said “Linux has gone far beyond what anyone could have expected” and that it’s been the “most successful software project in history.” He’s right. From Android phones to supercomputers to clouds to car, it’s all Linux all the time. Linux is the poster child for the open-source revolution.

The latest Linux kernel report, Linux kernel development – Linux kernel development – How fast it is going, who is doing it, what they are doing, and who is sponsoring it, details just how quickly Linux changes. In the last 15 months, more than 3 million lines of code have been added to the Linux kernel. For those of you coding at home, that’s 7.8 changes per hour.

Read more at ZDNet