Red Hat OpenShift 3.1 Opens the Door for Both .NET and JBoss Middleware


The walls that began a-tumblin’ down when Microsoft and Red Hat announced their historic partnership agreement last week, just keep on a-fallin’ . In time for the KubeCon conference going on now in San Francisco, Red Hat released for general availability version 3.1 of its OpenShift platform. This new version establishes critical bridges that didn’t exist before that link major parts of its technology stack — some of which were Red Hat’s parts to begin with.

With OpenShift, it will soon be feasible for distributed applications built on OpenShift to incorporate the recently open-sourced .NET Core — which, we learned, Red Hat will now distribute — as well as Red Hat’s JBoss Fuse Enterprise Service Bus, plus Red Hat Gluster distributed file storage, and the Red Hat Ceph software-defined data access.

Read more at The New Stack