The 100:10:1 Method: My Approach to New Open Source Projects


For many years I was whole hog into the open-source movement and at the time I rarely wrote a stitch of code in my free time that didn’t find itself in a public Sourceforge/GCode/Github repo. However, over time I came to learn that the burden that came with publicly offering code to the universe, to put it mildly, sucked. Aside from the fact that much of the code that was “released” was sub-par, the very act of putting code out into the world implied (whether intentionally, or not) a willingness to participate in a social contract with those who chose to use it for their own purposes. Granted I’m not necessarily against that social contract per se, instead my eventual change of heart around releasing code became such that I was more reserved in my approach. The approach that I now use for releasing code into the wild is governed by an approach called the “100:10:1 method,” a term coined by Nick Bentley.

Read more at Fogus blog.