Microduino: A Miniaturized, Stackable Arduino Board That Fits in Your Pocket – on Kickstarter


See this new board that debuted on kickstarter: amazingly small, this product comes to join the ever growing Arduino family.

The Microduino series is a 100% Arduino compatible open source hardware, compatible with Arduino IDE development environment and existing Arduino sketches. 

Its size is about a quarter (25.40mm X 27.94mm / 1.0inch X 1.1inch), much smaller than the original Arduino board. 

All Microduino boards adopt a uniform U-shape 27-pin standard pin-out (UPin-27). Thus Microduino series can be easily stacked together through the UPin-27, and all modules are delivered ready to stack.

Microduino: Arduino in your pocket, small, stackable, smart by Microduino Studio — Kickstarter.


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