Brand New Lernid Released


Ready for the awesomeness that is Ubuntu Opportunistic Developer Week, we have a shiny new Lernid for you all to rock the week with. Lernid is the online learning tool for getting the most out of our learning weeks. It makes connecting a doddle and provides interactive features such as showing slides, web pages and more.

The new 0.6 release has had a tonne of bug fixes and is by far the most stable release yet. It also includes these new features:

  • New icon – awesome new icon, and looks smooth as silk in docky too.
  • Nick completion – just like a normal IRC client, type in the first few letters of the nickname, hit tab and boom! there is the nick!
  • Option for show time in class and chatroom – want to see the times? Simple.
  • Possibility for pausing automatic browser updating – don’t like that browser updates? Sorted.
  • NickServ authentication – now you can use your nickserv password when connecting.
  • Question button – want to ask a question in the right format? Click the Question button and then type in your question. Job done.
  • Gwibber support (tweet the ongoing session) – click the Event menu when a session is running and Tweet current session to share your attendance with Twitter/ etc (only works on Lucid).

Kudos to Michael Budde for taking over the reigns on Lernid as the new maintainer, and for the fantastic little Lernid community for making such a stunning release!

Getting Lernid

It is highly recommended that you download this version of Lernid ready for the event. This is how…

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

You can download Lernid for Karmic from the releases PPA. Just click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal and cut and paste in these commands.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lernid-devs/lernid-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lernid

Then click Applications -> Internet -> Lernid.

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

If you are running Lucid, Lernid is easier to install than ever as it is now available in Universe! Thanks to the awesome Didier Roche for his work today in getting this into the archive!

As such, installing Lernid is as simple as using the Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center or typing:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lernid

Then click Applications -> Internet -> Lernid.