CFP: Business of Open Source mini-conf at LCA 2010 in New Zealand

Article Source FOSSBazaar
September 18, 2009, 5:23 am

Like last year, we’re organizing a “Business of Open Source” mini-conf at LCA 2010 (Wellington, New Zealand; January 18-23). This mini-conf is for people interested in business aspects of open source. Topics of interest include licensing your work, building a market, building a community, gathering market data, distribution, communications, working with open source developers, working with governments and countries, working with procurement departments, corporate governance, funding, pricing, lessons from your experience, and whatever related topics people would like to bring up.

The CFP for this mini-conf is open now. If you’re looking for a reason to go to New Zealand in January, this is your chance. Please check out the CFP and submit your proposal before September 27. If you have any questions, let me know at
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