Intel’s Wind River Subsidiary Claims Embedded Linux Dominance

Article Source LinuxDevices
July 22, 2009, 4:03 pm

A new study by VDC Research claims that Wind River is the leader in the embedded Linux marketplace. A wholly owned subsidiary of Intel since last Friday, Wind River now represents 30 percent of embedded Linux revenues, says VDC.

VDC’s “2009 Linux in the Embedded Systems Market” report is said to reveal that Wind River “achieved the market share lead” in 2008 with greater than 30 percent of total market revenue, more than seven percentage points over the next closest competitor. Touted today by Wind River, the report is also said to project that from 2008 to 2011, the mobile phone and automotive vertical markets will generate the fastest compound annual growth rates (CAGR) of worldwide Linux software and services revenue…

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