Audacity Beta 1.3.8: Open-source Audio at Its Best

Article Source The Open Road
July 21, 2009, 12:24 pm



There may not be a free lunch in this world but, thanks to the open-source development community, there’s an exceptional, free audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. It’s called Audacity, and if you’ve never tried it, you’re in for a treat, especially now that Audacity’s newest beta release (1.3.8) has hit the Web, as noted by OStatic’s Lisa Hoover.

I’ve used Audacity to create ringtones for my (former) Blackberry (but also possible with the iPhone). Dave Rosenberg also use it for recording and editing our podcasts. (Remember those?)

You can also use it to convert analog (tapes, records, 8-tracks, whatever) into digital recordings, or speed up a recording of your voice to Alvin and the Chipmunk-esque speeds.

Whatever you fancy. It’s free. It’s open source. It works really, really well…

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