LSU Hosts Beowulf Boot Camp

Article Source insideHPC
June 10, 2009, 3:16 am

The LSU Center for Computation and Technology, or CCT, has announced that it will be holding a Beowulf Boot Camp.  The boot camp was designed to give Louisiana high school students the chance to work with advanced computing technology, not typically found in a normal high school setting.

Students will work in small groups to build small clusters from scratch.  The groups will then collaborate and integrate their individual machines to build a mini supercomputer.  They will continue the camp by developing and running small applications, followed by some benchmarking and performance analysis.

It is important that university professors focus not only on college-age students, but reach out to students in the K-12 grades, inspiring them to attend college and making them aware of the possibilities in a field many have not considered or been exposed to previously,” [Thomas] Sterling said…