More Changes at Openmoko

Article Source LWN
June 3, 2009, 7:08 am

As some of you have heard, we had a layoff at Openmoko on Monday, May 25th. First of all let me second the comments made here congratulating the Openmoko team on all that was accomplished. And let me add that everything accomplished was only possible because of the amazing efforts of the community.

Bringing the Neo products to market, first the 1973 and then the Freerunner, has been the most exceptional experience of our lives. I can undeniably say that the most important thing we have learned over these years is that the power of people bound by ideals, rather than contracts, cannot be underestimated. These phones are your success. From simple things like group sales to complex undertakings like developing and maintaining entire distributions, you made this happen. You always came through for us. As CEO, I have to determine the best path forward for our phone business. And after long discussions with my key people and Board, we’ve decided that the best path foreword is to turn the future of the Freerunner over to the community…