10 Good Reasons To Learn Linux


Our Introduction to Linux edX course starts today, so if you’re not already enrolled, here are 10 reasons why you should sign up now:

  1. You’ll be getting a $2,400 training course for free.
  2. You won’t be the only person in your subreddit NOT taking it.
  3. You can bash (script) your computer without making a (physical) mess.
  4. You’ll get to learn how to use Linux from a nuclear physicist.
  5. You’ll finally get allthoseXKCDjokes.
  6. You’ll be able to enjoy the increased security that comes from using an open source operating system.
  7. You’ll be taking your first steps down a highly desirable career path.
  8. You won’t have to resort to bitTorrent to get free software.
  9. Did we mention that learning Linux is a great way to get a job?
  10. You’ll get to be part of an awesome community of both beginners and experts who are all using Linux to make a difference in the world.

So if you haven’t signed up yet, go do so now! And if you have already enrolled, we hope you enjoy the course as much as we enjoyed making it. Happy learning!