Announcing The Linux Foundation 2013 Events Schedule (and a few 35% discounts)


I am pleased to release today The Linux Foundation’s annualLinux events and co-located training schedule. The process we undertake to build this schedule and to make available important Linux training resources to the community is an exhaustive one that includes input from the development community, Linux users, members and other industry leaders.

Highlights from this year’s event lineup include:

LinuxCon North AmericaandCloudOpenwill be in New Orleans, co-located with the Linux Plumbers Conference. Frozen daiquiri and zydeco music, anyone?
LinuxCon EuropeandKernel Summit will be in Edinburg, Scotland. Haggis, anyone?  
— We are repeating last year’s first ever and successfulKorea Linux Forum. Kimchi, anyone?
— There will be twoAutomotive Linux Summitsthis year, one in Japan and one in Europe.
— We are expanding ourenterprise IT trainingofferings throughout the globe this year.

Linux and the collaborative development model is being adopted by more companies in more industries than ever before. Our event lineup this year reflects that expansion with 15 global events and 13 co-located Linux training opportunities and aims to ensure all participants and contributors to Linux are able to advance their work and to benefit from this model now and into the future.

A unique component to our events is the co-location of community workshops and summits. This year we will again work with community projects such as Gluster, oVirt, Yocto Project, Xen (Xen Summit) to host forums where work can be done real-time to advance these important technologies. This also helps attendees maximize their time away from the office.

We hope to see you at one or more of our events this year. If you’re able to commit today, you can save big. The first 50 people toregister for any LinuxCon event will receive 35% off the attendee fee. Just use ’35FIRST50′ when you register. You can get 35% off co-located training courses if youregisterby January 31. Just use ’35OFF2013.’

Whether it’s in New Orleans or Edinburgh, New York, San Francisco, Seoul or Tokyo, we will see you soon!