Open Cloud Roundup: Top Headlines Week of June 25


Red Hat dominates the open source cloud news this week with a string of product launch and acquisition announcements from the Red Hat Summit in Boston and the ensuing commentary from the blogosphere.  

Cornier Red HatRed Hat: Keep clouds open, like Linux
The Register

Red Hat reiterated its definition of an open source cloud and rolled out several new cloud products this week at the Red Hat Summit in Boston. The Register offers a great, if long, summary post of the week’s announcements and Red Hat’s cloud strategy.

Red Hat Shifts Into Gear With OpenShift
Information Week

Red Hat’s OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service competes with VMWare’s Cloud Foundry, here’s a comparison of the companies’ offerings.

IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet

Open source may be driving innovation in technology, including cloud computing and big data, but it’s not dominant yet says IBM VP Robert LeBlanc in a presentation at the Red Hat Summit this week. He advocates open virtualization, which has too many variations for clients right now.

Asgard: Web-based Cloud Management and Deployment

Netflix has open sourced its Asgard cloud management tool for Amazon Web Services.  

New Open Cloud Computing Forum on

Today we launched a new discussion forum for the Linux community focused on cloud computing and open source. Join the conversation!