Fedora 22 Workstation : Video Overview and Screenshot tours


Fedora Project have just released the latest version of Linux Distribution, Fedora 22. It now available for download for all the new flavors, Workstation, Server, and Cloud.

Accoording to Fedora 22 official announcement. “Every Fedora release has its own character. If this release had a human analogue, it’d be Fedora 21 after it’d been to college, landed a good job, and kept its New Year’s Resolution to go to the gym on a regular basis. What we’re saying is that Fedora 22 has built on the foundation we laid with Fedora 21 and the work to create distinct editions of Fedora focused on the desktop, server, and cloud (respectively). It’s not radically different, but there are a fair amount of new features coupled with features we’ve already introduced but have improved for Fedora 22,”

Read more at Fedora 22 Workstation : Video Overview and Screenshot tours