Meet HD Camera Cape for BBB- $ 49.99 low cost camera cape

  • Adding a camera cape to the latest BeagleBone Black, RadiumBoards has increased its “Cape”-ability to provide a portable camera solution. Thousands of designers, makers, hobbyists and engineers are adopting BeagleBone Black and are becoming huge fans because of its unique functionality as a pocket-sized expandable Linux computer that can connect to the Internet. To augment them in their work we have designed this HD Camera Cape with following features and benefits as:

    • 720p HD video at 30fps
    • Superior low-light performance
    • Ultra-low-power
    • Progressive scan with Electronic Rolling Shutter
    • No software effort required for OEM
    • Proven, off-the-shelf driver available for quick and easy software integration
    • Minimize development time for system designers
    • Easily Customized
    • Simple Design with Low Cost
  • Priced for just $49.99, this game-changing cape plug for the latest credit card sized BBB can help developers differentiate their product and get to market faster.
  • To learn more about the new and exciting cape checkout