MiniHowTo: Using alien for converting


Today i tried to build an Package called “XMind“. But the Sourcecode was very strange. The Projectpage has just *.exe and *.deb Files. So i tried an piece Software called “Alien”. The Program description says, that the Program converts to RPM, DEB, TARGZ and other Formats. The usage of the Program is “alien [–to-deb] [–to-rpm] [–to-tgz] [–to-slp] [options] file […]”. So in my case i tried alien –to-rpm xmind.deb. But alien propose that we use the Function –scripts, so the Scripts converted too. And my usage was “alien –to-rpm -scripts xmind.deb” An other interesting feature is the automatic use of Packages: “–patch=patch”. If the Patch is placed into /var/lib/alien the Program uses this Patch to build the Package. So i think, that i’m using this Program (alien) in some cases in future. Good piece of Software.