Vote now for Community Choice Awards


Author: Staff

The stage is set for the biggest annual free and open source software community awards — and you can help determine the winners.

The Community Choice Awards (CCA) was expanded this year to include all FOSS projects, irrespective of where they were hosted. community members nominated a staggering 3,400 projects this year, but only 72 have made it to the second round. As we count down to the final 12, it’s time to vote.

The Community Choice Awards are truly about the community. No one at picks the nominees or the winners. At the end of the nomination round, our computer overlord picks out the top 10 nominated projects in each of our 12 categories. That process wrapped up in mid-June. Now it’s up to you to vote for your favorite projects in each of 12 categories. You have until July 18.

This year’s dozen categories include several interesting “bests” and “most likelies,” such as most likely to be the next $1 billion acquisition, most likely to change the world, most likely to get users sued, and most likely to be ambiguously accused of patent violation. With categories like that, you know the awards ceremony, slated for the Jupiter Hotel in Portland on July 24, during OSCON, will be a fun event. And once we’re done presenting the awards, in keeping with CCA tradition, the dais is handed to the DJ, and the Community Choice Awards Party begins. Last year’s party was a blast, and we promise more of the same this year. (I say “we” because and share the same corporate parent.)


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