Author: Robert Fekete
NewsForge: How and why did you start the project?
Balázs Scheidler: Back in 1998 the main Hungarian telecommunication company was looking for someone on a local Linux mailing list to port nsyslog to Linux. nsyslog — developed by Darren Reed — was at that time incomplete, somewhat buggy, and available only for BSD. While at university, I had been working for an ISP and got often annoyed with syslogd: it creates too many files, it is difficult to find and move the important information, and so on. Developing a better syslog application was a fitting task for me.
NF: Why is it called syslog-ng?
BS: syslog-ng 1.0 was largely based on nsyslog, but nsyslog did not have a real license. I wanted to release the port under GPL, but Darren permitted this only if I renamed the application.
NF: What kind of support is available for the users?
BS: There is a community FAQ and an active mailing list. If you are stuck with the compiling or the configuration, the mailing list is the best place to find help. My company, BalaBit IT Security, offers commercial support for those who need quick support.
NF: Documentation?
BS: The reference guide is mostly up-to-date, but I hope to improve it someday. I am sure there are several howtos floating around on the Internet.
NF: Who uses syslog-ng?
BS: Everyone who takes logging a bit more seriously. I know about people who use it on single workstations, and about companies that manage the centralized logging of several thousand devices with syslog-ng. We have support contracts even with Fortune 500 companies.
NF: What’s new in version 2.0?
BS: 1.6 did not have any big problems, only smaller nuances. 2.0 was rewritten from scratch to create a better base for future development and to address small issues. For example, the data structures were optimized, greatly reducing the CPU usage. I have received feedback from a large log center that the new version uses 50% less CPU under the same load.
Every log message may include a timezone. syslog-ng can convert between different timestamps if needed.
It can read and forward logfiles. If an application logs into a file, syslog-ng can read this file and transfer the messages to a remote logcenter.
2.0 supports the IPv6 network protocol, and can also send and receive messages to multicast IP addresses.
It is also possible to include hostnames in the logs without having to use a domain name server. Using a DNS would seriously limit the processing speed in high-traffic environments and requires a network connection. Now you can create a file similar to /etc/hosts that syslog-ng uses to resolve the frequently used IP addresses to hostnames. That makes the logs much easier to read.
syslog-ng 2.0 uses active flow control to prevent message losses. This means that if the output side of syslog-ng is accepting messages slowly, then syslog-ng will wait a bit more between reading messages from the input side. That way the receiver is not flooded with messages it could not process on time, and no messages are lost.
NF: Is syslog-ng available only for Linux, or are other platforms also supported?
BS: It can be compiled for any type of Unix — it runs on BSD, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and probably some others as well. Most bigger Linux distributions have syslog-ng packages: Debian, SUSE, Gentoo…. I think Gentoo installs it by default, replacing syslogd entirely.
NF: What other projects do you work on?
BS: syslog-ng is a hobby for me; that is why it took almost five years to finish version 2.0. My main project is Zorp, an application-level proxy firewall developed by my company. Recently I have been working on an appliance that can transparently proxy and audit the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
During development I stumble into many bugs and difficulties, so I have submitted patches to many places, such as glib and the tproxy kernel module.
NF: Are these projects also open source?
BS: No, these are commercial products, but the Zorp firewall does have a GPL version.
NF: Any plans for future syslog-ng features?
BS: I plan to support the syslog protocol that is being developed by IETF.
I would like to add disk-based buffering, so you could configure syslog-ng to log into a file if the network connection goes down, and transmit the messages from the file when the network becomes available again.
It would be also good to transfer the messages securely via TLS, and to have application-layer acknowledgments on the protocol level.