WebGUI 7 Released

Plain Black Corporation writes “Madison, WI—July 1, 2006—The WebGUI Content Engine® is a Content Management System, Intranet framework, and Web Development kit all rolled into one. Extremely powerful and user friendly, WebGUI is the driving force behind thousands of small business websites and enterprise environments, including several Fortune 500 companies. WebGUI 7 contains new features that increase the already extraordinary capabilities of WebGUI, making it a juggernaut in the web development world. And…it’s free!

WebGUI 7 is built to support all aspects of the web community, from developer to end user. New workflow and versioning capabilities allow new website content to be developed without disturbing existing content. The website maintains normal business and web operations until new or revised content reaches publication status. WebGUI’s publishing process allows management to develop as many approval steps as needed before information is published on the site, eliminating the worry of inaccurate information being released without management’s knowledge.

WebGUI’s Collaboration System now provides more options than ever. This versatile system is able to serve as a forum, blog, photo gallery, request tracker, and more. Organizations can also manage their own employment opportunities without having to hire expensive third parties to perform the same duty! In addition, posting new submissions is now as easy as sending an email. Users can email new content directly to their sites and it will automatically post. This means forums can now act as mailing lists, photos can be emailed to photo galleries, and submissions can be published to blogs from a PDA’s email program.

Project managers will also appreciate the flexibility and practicality of WebGUI 7. Version 7 provides the advantage of being able to integrate time control with project management on the web or in an Intranet, eliminating the need for individual project files. Project managers can develop a project plan, create Gantt charts, and track the status of their projects. Implementers can quickly and easily report their time and progress, replacing the burden of filling out time sheets.

WebGUI 7 also contains new ad management capabilities. Site builders can now manage advertising by setting up complex ad rotations. They can configure ads for sale, manage the ads by tracking how many clicks an ad receives, and even automatically remove the ad from rotation after a set number of clicks or views. These capabilities eliminate the need for expensive and time consuming third party ad management systems.

Thousands of users worldwide are benefiting from the power and versatility of the WebGUI Content Engine®. Some of these users include Volvo, Brunswick New Technologies, Stanford, NEC, ATI and the United States Department of State. Jay Bahel, CIO, Brunswick New Technologies, says, “[Plain Black] is one of our best business partners. They have great skills technically, are able to deliver to specification, and are experts on project management. They are doing some incredible things for our business.” Those who have implemented WebGUI have realized its potential and have been rewarded by its time and money saving assets.

Plain Black Corporation® makes WebGUI, the most versatile open source content management system available. In 2001, Plain Black® released the first public version of WebGUI. Today, WebGUI is one of the most popular open source content management systems available. It is downloaded over 5,000 times per month and is in use as a web application framework in thousands of organizations around the world. Plain Black® offers support, training, and customization of WebGUI and the technologies related to WebGUI. For more information on Plain Black® and WebGUI visit www.plainblack.com.

For information: www.plainblack.com
Phone: 703-286-2525″