UML Plugin For Eclipse – SDE 3.0 for Eclipse

Stella Au writes “Visual Paradigm Smart Development Environment 3.0 for Eclipse (SDE-EC) is a UML modeling plug-in for Eclipse. Being integrated to Eclipse, SDE-EC supports the model-driven development by providing a unified modeling environment and generating Java code from class diagram, reversing Java code to class diagram. It thus streamlines the software development life cycle transition by transition. SDE-EC not only supports the latest standards of Java notations, but also the latest and full UML 2.0 diagrams and notations

SDE-EC also supports Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and EJB Development by generating a persistence layer between object and data models, generating POJO class and Enterprise JavaBeans for development and generating the database either from class diagram, EJB diagram or entity relationship diagram.

Visual Paradigm is pleased to announce that Smart Development Environment (SDE) 3.0 for Eclipse has been released which has numerous enhancements with new features.

What’s new in SDE-EC 3.0?
* Use Case Details Editor
SDE 3.0 provides an all-in-one environment for use case modeling, including general model specification, multiple use case description with rich-text editing, sub-diagrams manipulation and preview.

* Enhanced Smart Resources
SDE-EC provides Resource-Centric interface enabling the easy creation of UML diagrams by providing the valid editing resources listed around the diagram elements. Smart Resource becomes even smarter in version 3.0 as the resources of similar nature are grouped together to minimize the number of visible resources simultaneously.

* Enhanced XMI Import/Export to support UML 2.0
The import and export of XMI is enhanced to support XMI 1.2, so you can import and export the UML 2.0 compliant model and diagrams to/from SDE.

* EJB Code Generation and Deployment
SDE-EC simplifies the powerful but complicated EJB development which supports remote and distributed systems by generating beans based on the EJB model defined by user.

* EJB Diagram Support
In order to enhance the capability of EJB Development, EJB diagram is provided for user to model their EJB systems.

* Customizable SQL
SDE-EC generates SQL statements which are ready-to-use. In some cases you may want to customize the SQL statements, SDE-EC allows you to override the generated SQL statements whenever you want to.

* Advanced ORM Features
SDE-EC promotes mapping one class to multiple tables which optimizes the size of database and minimizes the number of generated classes for system implementation.

Other features
* Support of Use Case Scheduling
* Reverse Engineering UML Diagram from Java Source code
* Code generation from Class Diagram
* HTML Report Generation
* Support of Textual Analysis
* Modeling with Visio stencils
* Support of Rose Project import
* PDF Report Generation
* Report Writer

For more detailed information, please visit:

Free evaluation is available for 30 days. You can get an evaluation copy at and install SDE-EC from Visual Paradigm Suite.

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