Netaverse releases Win4Lin Workstation version 4

New version provides enhanced functionality, improved performance and
increased application capabilities.

AUSTIN, TEXAS – May 20, 2002 — NeTraverse Inc., a leading provider of
thin-client software solutions for software developers and the enterprise,
announces the immediate availability of the latest version of its Win4Lin®
Workstation product.

The Win4Lin Workstation product is the leading tool preferred by Linux users to
operate applications that are used on Microsoft Windows 95/98/98SE and ME
including personal productivity, software development, Web development, desktop
and graphic applications since its introduction in 2000.

Running Microsoft Windows applications in a Linux environment allows users to
take advantage of the inherent reliability and security of Linux while
continuing to use familiar industry standard applications and preserving their
work products created on them.

The Win4Lin product has successfully eliminated desktop platform redundancy. 
Sites where it was necessary to maintain separate machines, one for Linux/UNIX
and one for Microsoft Windows-based applications, can now use only one machine
by running Linux and the Win4Lin product, without the need for dual-booting.

New features requested by the more than 800,000-strong user community included
in Win4Lin Version 4.0 are:

  • Support for Windows Millennium Edition (Windows ME) 
  • Large Windows Memory Footprint 
  • Easier resizing of the Win4Lin window 
  • Asian Language Support for Microsoft Windows 98SE 
  • Wheel Mouse support
    Increased Application Support

End-user and systems administration user loyalty for the Win4Lin product has
been a source of strong and gratifying support to the company.

“I’m a DBA with a small tech firm in Chantilly, VA. and I’ve been looking
for a way to run my Win apps under Linux.  The Win4Lin product operates
superbly.  My hat is off to you all,” said Brian Paffen, Oracle
Database Administrator (OCP), Arlington, VA.

The Win4Lin workstation product fits into the overall NeTraverse product
strategy of providing the tools necessary to make Information Technology
organizations and end users successful by using reliable cost effective software
that can run on both the most modern high-end platforms as well as take
advantage of less expensive Intel Pentium II and III platforms.

“In the spirit of giving our users a bridge to cross over, not a chasm to
leap across, the new release of Win4Lin provides the capability and power
necessary for running Microsoft-based tools and applications in the reliable and
secure Linux environment,” said James P. Curtin, NeTraverse President and

Win4Lin Workstation Edition Version 4.0 is now shipping and is available as
either an upgrade for existing users or a full product for new users.

About NeTraverse

NeTraverse Inc., is the market leader in bridging Windows® to Linux® with over
800,000 users worldwide. Providing thin-client software solutions on the Linux
and UNIX platform, NeTraverse offers innovative products and services to
facilitate the seamless migration from Windows to Linux and lower the cost of
enterprise IT infrastructure. NeTraverse products include Win4Lin Workstation,
Win4Lin Terminal Server and Merge.  Headquartered in Austin, Texas. For
more information, please visit

For Further Information, Contact:
Dan Perlman, 
VP of Marketing
Phone: 408-836-0383

Win4Lin is a registered trademark of NeTraverse Inc. Windows and the Windows
operating system are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Linux is a registered trademark
of Linus Torvalds. All other products, services, companies, events and
publications are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their
respective owners in the U.S. and /or other countries.