VMware Wraps Up 2019 With Pivotal Acquisition

(C) SDX Central

VMware has wrapped up 2019 with the addition of Pivotal to its ever growing family. One of the largest contributors to Kubernetes, and an emerging open source company, VMware has announced that it has completed the acquisition of Pivotal for $2.7 billion.

“It’s my pleasure to announce Ray O’Farrell as the leader of VMware’s new Modern Applications Platform business unit—uniting the Pivotal and VMware Cloud Native Applications teams,” said Pat Gelsinger, CEO, VMware. “And as Pivotal is now part of VMware, I want to thank the Pivotal leadership team for building a great company. Together, we’re poised to be the leading enabler of Kubernetes with a deep understanding of both operators and developers.”

With this acquisition, VMware gets ownership of one of the most dominant open source based product – Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

It also establishes VMware as a leading open source player. The company is already the 3rd largest contributor to Kubernetes, and with Pivotal it becomes the largest contributor to Cloud Foundry.

Along with Heptio and Bitnami, Pivotal will benefit from VMware’s growing cloud ambitions which were put on the fast track with the announcement of Tanzu portfolio earlier this years.

Edward Hieatt, Senior Vice President, Customer Success, Pivotal. “The combination of Pivotal and VMware offers the most comprehensive application platform in the industry and is a win for our customers, a win for Pivotal, and a win for VMware. We’re excited to team up with VMware to help more enterprises become like modern software companies by adopting DevOps and Lean techniques developed by internet giants and the startup community.”