Linux TOP command explained


Top command options:

Line 1: Gives System present time, up time of the machine, number of users logged in, Load average on system at 1, 5, 15 min interval. Please ignore the values which I mention in the video, which mention load average as 5,10 and 15mins.

Line 2: Gives total number of process on the machine, number of running process, number of sleeping process, number of stopped process, number of Zombie process.

Line 3: Gives you CPU details

Line 4 & 5: Gives RAM and SWAPdetails.

Line 6: To execute top command shortcuts(See below for the list of top command shortcuts ).

From Line 7: dynamically displayed top process results.

Top commands 


Note: Press below shortcuts at the time of running top command.

l â€“To display or to hide load average line
t â€“To display or to hide task/cpu line
1 â€“To display or hide all other CPU’s
m â€“to display or to hide RAM and SWAP details
s â€“To change the time interval for updating top results(value is in sec’s)
R â€“To sort by PID number
u â€” Press u then username to get only that user process details
P â€“To sort by CPU utilization
M â€“To sort by RAM utilization
c â€“To display or hide command full path
r â€“To renice a process, press r then the PID no then the renice value to renice a process.
k â€“To kill a process, press k then PID number then enter to kill a process
w â€“To save the modified configuration permanently.
q â€“To quit the top command.
h â€“for getting help on top command

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