Five Funny Little Linux Network Testers and Monitors


In this roundup of Linux network testing utilities we use Bandwidthd, Speedometer, Nethogs, Darkstat, and iperf to track bandwidth usage, speed, find network hogs, and test performance.


Bandwidthd is a funny little app that hasn’t been updated since 2005, but (at least on my Kubuntu system) it still works. It makes nice colorful graphs of your incoming and outgoing bandwidth usage, and tallies it up by day, week, month, and year on a Web page. So you also need Apache, or some other HTTP server. You can monitor a single PC, or everyone on your LAN. This is a nice app for tracking your monthly usage if you need to worry about bandwidth caps.

fig-1 bandwidthd

Bandwidthd has almost no documentation. man bandwidthd lists all of its configuration files and directories. Its Sourceforge page is even sparser. There are two versions: bandwidthd and bandwidthd-pgsqlbandwidthd generates static HTML pages every 150 seconds, and bandwidthd-pgsql displays graphs and data on dynamic PHP pages. The Web page says “The visual output of both is similar, but the database driven system allows for searching, filtering, multiple sensors and custom reports.” I suppose if you want to search, filter, do multiple sensors, or create custom reports you’ll have to hack PHP files. Installation on my system was easy, thanks to the Debian and Ubuntu package maintainers. It created the Apache configuration and set up PostgreSQL, and then all I had to do was open a Web browser to http://localhost/bandwidthd which is not documented anywhere, except in configuration files, so you heard it here first.


Speedometer displays real-time graphs on the console (so you don’t need a Web server) of how fast data are moving across your network connection, and it also answers the question “How fast is my hard drive?” The simplest usage displays either received or transmitted bytes per second. This called a tap:

$ speedometer -r eth0

You can watch the flow both ways by creating two taps:

$ speedometer -r eth0 -t eth0

The default is to stack taps. The -c option makes nice columns instead, and -k 256 displays 256 colors instead of the default 16, as in figure 2.

$ speedometer  -r eth0 -c -t eth0

fig-2 speedometer

You can measure your hard drive’s raw write speed by using dd to create a 1-gigabyte raw file, and then use Speedometer to measure how long it takes to create it:

$ dd bs=1000000 count=1000 if=/dev/zero of=testfile & speedometer testfile

Change the count value to generate a different file size; for example count=2000 creates a 2GB file. You can also experiment with different block sizes (bs) to see if that makes a difference. Remember to delete the testfile when you’re finished, unless you like having useless large files laying around.


Nethogs is a simple console app that displays bandwidth per process, so you can quickly see who is hogging your network. The simplest invocation specifies your network interface, and then it displays both incoming and outgoing packets:

$ sudo nethogs eth0
NetHogs version 0.8.0
  PID USER     PROGRAM                DEV        SENT      RECEIVED       
1703  carla    ssh                    eth0    9702.096     381.697 KB/sec
5734  www-data /usr/bin/fie           eth0       1.302      59.301 KB/sec
13113 carla    ..lib/firefox/firefox  eth0       0.021       0.023 KB/sec
2462  carla    ..oobar/lib/foobar  eth0       0.000       0.000 KB/sec
?     root     unknown TCP                       0.000       0.000 KB/sec
  TOTAL                                       9703.419     441.021 KB/sec 

Use the -r option to show only received packets, and -s to see only sent packets.


Darkstat is another Web-based network monitor, but it includes its own embedded HTTP server so you don’t need Apache. Start it up with the name of your network interface as the only option:

$ sudo darkstat -i eth0

Then open a Web browser to http://localhost:667, and you’ll see something like figure 3.


Click the automatic reload button to make it update in real time. The Hosts tab shows who you’re connected to, how long you’ve been connected, and how much traffic, in bytes, has passed between you.

You can run Darkstat as a daemon and have it start at boot. How to do this depends on your Linux distribution, and what init system you are using (Upstart, systemd, sysvinit, BSD init). I shall leave it as your homework to figure this out.


Doubtless you fine readers have been wondering “What about iperf?” Well, here it is. iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, and datagram loss. In other words, it tests link quality, which is a big deal for streaming media such as music, videos, and video calls. You need to install iperf on both ends of the link you want to test, which in these examples are Studio and Uberpc. Then start iperf in server mode on one host, and run it in client mode on the other host. Note that on the client, you must name the server. This is the simplest way to run a test:

carla@studio:~$ iperf -s
terry@uberpc:~$ iperf -c studio
carla@studio:~$ iperf -s
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 32865
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.09 GBytes   938 Mbits/sec
terry@uberpc:~$ iperf -c studio
Client connecting to studio, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 22.9 KByte (default)
[  3] local port 32865 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.09 GBytes   938 Mbits/sec

That’s one-way, from server to client. You can test bi-directional performance from the client:

terry@uberpc:~$ iperf -c studio -d
Server listening on TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
Client connecting to studio, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 54.8 KByte (default)
[  5] local port 32980 connected with port 5001
[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 47130
[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
[  5]  0.0-10.0 sec  1020 MBytes   855 Mbits/sec
[  4]  0.0-10.0 sec  1.07 GBytes   920 Mbits/sec

Those are good speeds for gigabit Ethernet, close to the theoretical maximums, so this tells us that the physical network is in good shape. Real-life performance is going to be slower because of higher overhead than this simple test. Now let’s look at delay jitter. Stop the server with Ctrl+c, and then restart it with iperf -su. On the client try:

$ iperf -c studio -ub 900m

-b 900m means run the test at 900 megabits per second, so you need to adjust this for your network, and to test different speeds. A good run looks like this:

[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth        Jitter   Lost/Total Datagrams
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   958 MBytes   803 Mbits/sec   0.013 ms 1780/684936 (0.26%)
[  3]  0.0-10.0 sec  1 datagrams received out-of-order

0.013 ms jitter is about as clean as it gets. Anything over 1,000 ms is going to interfere with audio and video streaming. A datagram loss of 0.26% is also excellent. Higher losses contribute to higher latency as packets have to be re-sent.

There is a new version of iperf, and that is iperf 3.0.1. Supposedly this is going to replace iperf2 someday. It has been rewritten from scratch so it’s all spiffy clean and not crufty, and it includes a library version that can be used in other programs. It’s still a baby so expect rough edges.