2012 Linux Foundation T-shirt Design Contest Finalists


Congratulations to the five finalists in this year’s “Inspired by LInux” T-shirt Design Contest! We received dozens of creative and inspiring entries, so many thanks to those who entered their artwork for consideration.  

Now it’s time for the community to pick its favorite design. In order to vote, you must be registered and logged in to Linux.com. Only one vote per person is allowed. Voting ends at 11:55 p.m. PST on July 3 and a winner will be annouced on or about July 17. Read about the designers and their designs, below, then visit the voting gallery for a full view of the final designs and to cast your vote.


The design that receives the most votes will take first place, while the runner up will take second.  The first place winner will receive $2,000 to be applied toward airfare, hotel and admission to their choice of LinuxCon North America in San Diego, CA on Aug. 26 – 29, 2012, or LinuxCon Europe in Barcelona, Spain Nov. 5-7, 2012. Second place will receive $1,000 toward LinuxCon North America or LinuxCon Europe in 2012.

The Finalists:

Carmen Andoh

Carmen Andoh, contest finalist


Tux Mosaic


Hometown: Delhi, New York, USA

Design: Tux Mosaic

Description: “Linux is massive collaboration for the greater good. Mosaic of Tux made with  Distro Logos.”  




Sabrina Aqil


Freedom LiftsDesign: Freedom Lifts Us Up 
Hometown: Cascina, Italy

Description : “The design highlights the benefits coming off the freedom that Linux brings to us, opposite to the obstacles put by closed software and patents that slow down our progress towards a better society.”




Brian Beck

Brian Beck, contest finalist


Linux ArrowDesign: Inspired by Linux Arrow 
Hometown: San Angelo, Texas, USA

Description : “From afar, the viewer sees an arrow pointing up at the person wearing the shirt, showing “ ‘This person’ is Inspired by Linux” …. upon closer inspection of the shirt, it shows….”Because Why!”




Ieva Griskaite

Leva Griskaite, contest finalist
 Together Up
Design: Together Up
Hometown: Vilnius, Lithuania 
Description: This design is about friendship, community, team work, sunshine and going up – reaching the top. It could be named “Together UP!” or “UP Together!”.

Arkady Zaifman

Arkady Zaifman, contest finalist



Power to PenguinsDesign: Power to the Penguins
Hometown: Tel Aviv, Israel

Description : “For me Linux is all about the freedom to create, well anything, and with the power of its community we are free today to create amazing things and cause its open source those things happen in speed unheard of before… FREEDOM ;D “