Addison Snell: Sun’s HPC off-ramp

Article Source insideHPC
May 18, 2009, 7:40 am

Addison Snell is blogging about the difference in the SGI and Sun/Oracle HPC trajectories. He argues that SGI has a long road ahead of it, but the road is in HPC

On the one hand we have Rackable ‚Äî or should I say SGI? ‚Äî for Rackable has officially adopted the SGI brand. For HPC customers of the new SGI, the news looks good. Although there may be some consolidation where x86 lines overlap, the new SGI is going forward with the core HPC and visualization business, including most of the acquired employees. SGI will continue to fulfill product and service contracts, including the $40 million DOD deal from February…