Android Builders Summit CFP Now Open


Just a few weeks back from LinuxCon Europe in Prague and we’re already starting to cultivate content for next year. Most notably, I am please to announce that the Call for Participation for the Android Builders Summit is now open. We created ABS last year at the behest of our members who are vendors in the Android Ecosystem who needed a place to collaborate with their peers on systems level engineering and discussion of core issues and opportunities when designing Android devices.

This year we plan on increasing collaboration by introducing a Lightening Round where people can present their project, pain point, or solution in a quick five minute or less talk. We’ll also have Open Spaces sessions set aside with technical leaders and have a networking social event just for this conference. ABS is held during the same week as  the ever important Embedded Linux Conference. AS the use of Linux in embedded has grown, so has ELC until it is now a must-attend conference for anyone in that space. The CFP for ELC is also open, so please submit a talk to one or both of these events. By holding these two events in the same week, we also aim to increase collaboration between the Android Builders Ecosystem and traditional embedded Linux developers.

For ABS, I am pleased to have a great group of technical leaders joning me on the program committee:

Tim Bird, Sony Network Entertainment
Mark Charlebois, Qualcomm Innovation Center
Amanda McPherson, The Linux Foundation
C. Craig Ross, The Linux Foundation
Karim Yaghmour, Opersys

The CFP closes on Dec 31 so be sure to get your speaking proposal in before you party the year away. If you have any suggested topics or speakers you’d like to see included please feel to email me at amanda (at) linuxfoundation dot org.