Announcing the 2010 We’re Linux Video Winners

I am pleased to announce the winners of the 2010 We’re Linux Video Contest. We had quite a few amazing videos to choose from, many of which captured the spirit of Linux.


First place: Go Linux

Second place: Create Something Unique

Third place: Linux: Free Your Computer

I really enjoyed the winning video because it does something  important in the world of marketing: frame the capabilities of your product within a broader movement. In technology, features are not enough. People want a cause. Linux historically has had a meaningful cause behind it — freedom — which is captured well in the two runners-up. The winning video is a practical and effective message about one unique element of Linux that is often over-looked. Sustainability should be more than a buzz-word; it should be a way of life. In today’s world where we are facing a mountain of Vista and Windows 7-orphans, people should realize that they don’t need to pollute a landfill with a perfectly good computer. Linux not only is free (as in beer and source), it’s also a sustainable choice for extending the life of electronics of all kinds.

I’d like to congratulate our winners and all of those who entered the contest and shared their vision of Linux. I also want to thank our fabulous panel of judges who picked the winners.

• Andrew Morton, lead Linux kernel maintainer;
• Stephen O’Grady, co-founder, Red Monk;
• Stormy Peters, executive director, GNOME Foundation;
• Brandon Phillips, Linux kernel developer, Novell;
• Bob Sutor, VP, Open Source and Linux, IBM Software Group; and
• Steven Vaughan-Nichols, journalist, ComputerWorld.