Announcing the 2011 Gurus



Today is one of my favorite days of the year: the day we reveal the annual Gurus. The 2011 Gurus represent the most active members of the community and through their contributions the site, they help other Linux users to locate and share valuable information and they are able to market their skills and position themselves for potential job opportunities.


When you consider that is reporting that job postings requiring Linux knowledge are up 47 percent year-over-year, finding ways to market that knowledge becomes a big priority.


This is not lost on this year’s Ultimate Linux Guru Matthew Fillpot.



Matthew has been a member since The Linux Foundation started hosting the site in April 2009. He is receiving a “dream Linux machine,” which he should receive just in time to take with him to The Linux Foundation’s Collaboration Summit next week where he will have a seat at our annual Planning meeting. Matthew is also one of our five valuable moderators.


Matthew provided this comment included in today’s announcement: “The community is an active and engaged global network of my peers who are constantly exchanging information and ideas,” said Matthew Fillpot, the 2011 Ultimate Guru. “By contributing to the site, I am able to help others learn about Linux while picking up new tips for myself – all while putting my skills on display.”  


Our other 2011 Top Five Gurus are:


Linux Guru Aaron Aceves (adnhack) is a software engineer at Softek and says he was “born to be a geek” and that he “likes Linux, tech, coding and Mustangs.”



Linux Guru Andrea Benini (ben) has been a systems administrator for nearly 20 years and today holds that title, along with product manager, at Pluriservice. This is the second year Andrea has ranked among the Top Five contributors.




Linux Guru Shane Hatcher (ShaneH57) is a student who is planning a career as a Linux Systems Administrator after graduation. Shane is also a volunteer at his local fire department and rescue squad.



Linux Guru Istimsak Abdulbasir (saqman2060) is a self-proclaimed tech enthusiastic that loves to learn new skills and enjoys simplifying complex technical materials. Istimsak is also a moderator.



For the community, by the community, strives to be a central source for informed, reasonable information about all matters Linux. It could not achieve this goal without the contributions of the entire community. See all Top 50 contributors to the site this year at the Top 50 Gurus list.


For more information on how we calculate Guru points and some of the stats from this year’s community, check out the official news release.


Looking forward to seeing everyone next week in San Francisco!