Aqua Data Studio 3.0 Released

JohnLH writes “AquaFold, Inc today announced the latest version of Aqua Data Studio, it’s universal database tool for building, managing and maintaining enterprise relational databases. Aqua Data Studio includes support for all major database platforms such as Oracle 8i/9i, IBM DB2, Informix Dynamic Server, Sybase Adaptive Server, Sybase Anywhere, Microsoft SQL Server and the open source databases MySQL and PostgreSQL. Developed with the Java programming language, Aqua Data Studio supports all major operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, Solaris and the Linux operating system. Providing a universal database tool for all databases on all operating systems allows developers to choose their development platform of choice on a level playing field.

New Feature Highlight

1. Table Data Editor, for visual data editing
2. SQL Writing Automation features w/ hot keys
3. Better Syntax Coloring w/ built-in functions
4. Sorting on Grid Results w/ Row #s and individual cell selections
5. Ability not to save passwords
6. Native Support for Informix 9.3 and Sybase Anywhere 8.0
7. Native Look and Feel for OSX with Double-Clickable app and package
8. Configurable Fonts for all application areas

… and more

