Are you a Dragon Slayer? Take the Developer Nation Survey to Find Out


The Linux Foundation is proud to support this year’s State of the Developer Nation Survey run by our friends at VisionMobile. This is the 12th developer survey, focusing on a 360 view of developer tools, skills, and salaries.

Take the survey now!

The survey features questions on topics like programming languages, platforms, app categories, new technologies, revenue models, IoT verticals — and of course — tools. It’s a survey made by developers, so the questions will be relevant, plus you will get to learn something new. It only takes 15 minutes!

Once you complete the survey, you’ll get to find out what kind of character you’d be in a fantasy world, based on your responses: A mage? A fighter? A dragon slayer? Take the survey and find out!

Participants can win prizes including a MeccaNoid G15 KS, an Apple Watch Series 2, an Oculus Rift headset, a Pixel Phone, Udemy courses, and more.

VisionMobile will show you how your responses compare to other developers’ in your country. You’ll also be the first to receive the State of the Developer Nation report (due out February 2017) based on key survey findings.

Key findings from last year’s survey include:

  • 47 percent of professional developers now consider Android their primary platform.

  • Developers that primarily target Linux or Mac OS on the desktop are extremely unlikely to use C# on the server. Just 2 percent of Linux-first developers and 3 percent of those who prefer macOS are primarily using C# for their backend.

  • Smart Home is not just the biggest IoT vertical in terms of developer interest, with 48% targeting it, but also the fastest growing – up 6 percentage points in the last year.

Take the survey now! The last day to submit your response is Dec. 23, 2016.