Audio Manager Overview

Article Source Moblin Blogs
May 17, 2009, 7:40 pm

What is Audio Manager
Audio manager is a core component for Moblin, it is able to manage all audio streams, audio applications and audio devices. And it is extendable for any specific hardware platforms. Hum, it is implemented by Bu, Long (
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); Zhang, Xin (
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); Zheng, Huan (
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Audio manager is an extension for PulseAudio, it is implemented as PulseAudio modules. In order to be extendable to specific hardware platforms, Audio manager is designed to be module-based, there is a generic module which is platform independent, and there will be a platform dependant module which handles all platform related details, these two modules communicates in certain way which is defined in another document. E.g. For MRST platform, there will be a generic module and a MRST module. Any platform that needs Audio manager should implement a platform dependant module for its platform…