Basic Commands for Performing Docker Container Operations


In this series, we’re sharing a preview of the new self-paced Containers for Developers and Quality Assurance (LFS254) training course from The Linux Foundation. In earlier articles, we looked at installing Docker and setting up your environment, and we introduced Docker Machine. Now we’ll take a look at some basic commands for performing Docker container and image operations. Watch the videos below for more details.

To do container operations, we’ll first connect to our “dockerhost” with Docker Machine. Once connected, we can start the container in the interactive mode and explore processes inside the container.

For example, the “docker container ls” command lists the running containers. With the “docker container inspect” command, we can inspect an individual container. Or, with the “docker container exec” command, we can fork a new process inside an already running container and do some operations. We can use the “docker container stop” command to stop a container and then remove a stopped container using the “docker container rm” command.

To do Docker image operations, again, we first make sure we are connected to our “dockerhost” with Docker Machine, so that all the Docker commands are executed on the “dockerhost” running on the DigitalOcean cloud.

The basic commands you need here are similar to above. With the “docker image ls” command, we can list the images available on our “dockerhost”. Using the “docker image pull” command, we can pull an image from our Docker Registry. And, we can remove an image from the “dockerhost” using the “docker image rm” command.

Want to learn more? Access all the free sample chapter videos now! 

This online course is presented almost entirely on video, and the material is prepared and presented by Neependra Khare (@neependra), Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga, Docker Captain, and author of the Docker Cookbook.