Can You Design a Better Linux T-shirt Than Us?

Today we launched a new initiative at the Linux Foundation: a merchandise store on These aren’t logo Ts that you get at every trade show (and probably use to dry your car.) The T-shirts, mugs, stickers and babies gear in the store are truly unique and hopefully capture the irreverence, wit and attitude of Linux and free software. My personal favorites:

While I like these designs, I also realize that the minds of many generally produce superior product.  That’s why we’re also launching a community design contest. Just like the open development process has proven to develop the best code, an open design process will surface the best designs for apparel featured in the Store. Make us laugh or gasp with your submissions. We’ll host the top 5 designs on through June 6, 2010 for community vote. The winner will get to join us in Boston for LinuxCon as well as see their design on apparel in the Store. Get your designs in by April 11: And please let me know your impressions of the store and the designs. We know there are other sites where you can buy Linux or free software merchandise, but the proceeds from this store go to maintaining the Linux Foundation’s programs and services. We hope to see you wearing these shirts at an event in the future to show the world what OS you support.