ChangeLog: Mambo cans group consensus, selects Project Leader


Author: Peter Galli

Open source content management project Mambo has selected core developer Chad Auld to be its leader, ending a year-long experiment in group decision-making.

Citing “extended discussion and decision cycles,” the Mambo Foundation says the group consensus model has been less efficient than members had hoped. “While that structure is certainly the most egalitarian … the decision has been made to shift global project management into more of a centralized structure,” according to a statement issued this morning.

Chad Auld has been on the Mambo team for about 18 months, originally as part of the maintenance committee, but most recently on the core development team. Auld says he spends four hours each night working on Mambo, after working all day as a Web developer maintaining a Mambo CMS for a 600-seat call center.

Auld hopes to move the project more efficiently toward its published goals. “The team has accomplished a great deal of work in the last year or so, but there is plenty more to be done. I intend to drive us forward along the lines of the published roadmap, and consider improvements in accessibility and interoperability to be priorities.”

As in the past, each team member is placed on a committee based on his or her contribution to the project. Committees include documentation, maintenance, advocacy and PR, project management, QA, third party development, translation, and core development. Each committee selects a leader, and the new process automatically places the core development team leader at the helm of that steering committee.