Choosing a Tool to Track and Mitigate Open Source Security Vulnerabilities


To successfully deal with open source security, you need your developers (and DevOps teams) to operate the solution. Given the fast pace of modern development, boosted in part by the use of open source itself, an outnumbered security team will never be able to keep you secure. Therefore, the SCA solution you choose must be designed for developers to be successful with.

Unfortunately, all too often, security tools (including SCA solutions) simply don’t understand the developer as a user. Integrating into an IDE or creating a Jenkins plug-in does not automatically make a tool developer-friendly, nor does adding the term “DevSecOps” into your documentation. To be successful with developers, tools need to be on par with the developer experience (DX) other dev tools offer, adapt to the user flows of the tools they connect to, and have the product communicate in a dev-friendly manner.

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