Cliff’s List Filter – March 16 – 26, 2004


Author: Ian Palmer

Welcome to this week’s highlights from the mailing lists of important Linux-related projects. If there are other mailing lists
that you don’t see here which you think we and our readers will find interesting, feel
free to mail us your suggestions! Let’s see
what’s been going on around the Open Source world this week…



  • Luis Villa announces the return of
    Gnome Bugzilla and needs some help with
    stress testing. If you’ve used Gnome Bugzilla in the past and have some time, please
    help with the stress testing and report bugs as you find them. March 25 is reserved as the “abnormal bug day” for this stress testing, so
    if you can pound on it and give it a good work out to help iron out the kinks, please
  • Jeff Waugh mentions that, due to a recent break-in on the GNOME Webserver, the
    GNOME 2.6 release announcement has been delayed until March 31
    . More information
    can be found as it is released, here.
  • Those of you who are having difficulty with Nautilus “Spatial Mode” might want to take a
    look at these comments
    for some insight into the nature of the change, as well as a few tips for those of you
    who prefer the old behavior.
  • New releases in the GNOME world. For brevity, we’re only going to highlight stable releases (if the project uses a stable/development release cycle, like the Linux Kernel) and milestone releases (ie non-beta releases ending in “.0”, “.0.0” or “.5.0”). If you would like to see the full release list for GNOME applications in its entirety, you can take a look at the full list,
    in the archives:


  • Having problem printing using CUPS under KDE? If so, you may want to make sure you have
    the proper Fontmap file.
  • For those users still using XFS, please note that it has been replaced by FontConfig.
    If you have fonts in XFS
    that aren’t showing up in KDE
    , then please make sure you have
    FontConfig configured properly.


  • Simon Paquet has placed
    for Sunbird,
    Mozilla’s Calendaring project
    , on Mozilla’s Web Site. If you haven’t tried Sunbird
    yet, you might want to give it a try. If you are interested in seeing your Outlook
    calendar data in Sunbird, point your browser at this
    , for some installation instructions. If you run into any problems, please
    remember to report whatever bugs you may run into.
  • For those of you looking to open PDFs in an external Acrobat window, you might be
    interested in these
    from Stan Brown.
  • Looking to control Firefox behavior, but the options you want just aren’t in the
    options dialogs? You may want to check out the various
    hints found in these messages
    , and these other tips and tricks may well be worth your while.