Cliff’s List Filter – March 27 – 30, 2004


Author: Ian Palmer

Welcome once again to this helping of news and tidbits gathered from mailing lists of Unix and Linux related projects. While other sites may be inflicting (hopefully tasteful) April Fool’s pranks on you, we’re currently following happenings in the Linux Kernel, GNOME, KDE and Mozilla circles. If you’d like to see information from other projects in these pages, please let us know. Now on with the updates…

Linux Kernel



  • Tom Chance has released
    a draft copy of his media guide
    , as a part of the KDE Quality Team HOWTO. While
    some may think this an odd place to find such information, it should still prove to be
    a valuable resource the Open Source community. Give it a read, and pass on any suggestions you have to Tom.
  • Marc Heyvaert has started a wiki-page for those of you interested in compiling


  • WARNING! — It appears that there may be a Mozilla-targetted
    piece of spyware/adware
    existing in the wild.
    If a site asks you to install something called a “Content Access Plugin v1.01”, please
    be careful and check it before you consider
    installing it. Chances are, you’ll be better off
    discarding it!
  • Users who would like external programs to specific protocols (like mail, news and FTP)
    may want to try out these
  • Firefox users, who would like to have handy navigational aids which will support
    <LINK> tags, may want to take a
    suggestion from Black Fox
    and install linkTool.