Cloudy Circumstances Surround LXLabs Suicide

Article Source Linux Journal
June 10, 2009, 12:21 pm

There are never adequate words to describe tragedies, especially those that involve loss of life. Today we find ourselves struggling for words to report the apparent suicide of LXLabs founder K. T. Lingesh on Monday.

LXLabs is perhaps best known for HyperVM, a popular control panel for virtual private server management. The product is used by countless VPS providers to control Xen and OpenVZ virtualization and, along with the hosting control panel Lxadmin (now known as Kloxo), to build and manage shared web hosting systems. Some twenty-four vulnerabilities in the Kloxo platform were recently discovered and patched by the company, a harbinger, perhaps of what was to come. Over the weekend, Veraserv, a hosting provider based in the United Kingdom, was the subject of a hacking attack, resulting in some 100,000 websites hosted with the company being deleted ‚Äî roughly half of the company’s stored user data…