The Company of the Future


In the process of eating the world, software had traditional organizational structures for lunch. Analogies, methods and tactics that originated in the IT world have a major influence on general business thinking (as they should; the two are increasingly the same thing). Today, we talk about ‘new operating systems for organizations’, organisations are understood as networksagile management is all the buzz and every new company wants to be a lean startup, create an MVP and iterate from there.

Conversely, looking at new developments in technology can often give a hint at the future of business at large. I see three developments that have the potential to influence our company of the future in a major way.

  • Microservices
  • Blockchain
  • Industry 4.0

While this might read like a list of keynote topics at any major tech conference in 2016, let’s look further than the average trend report.

Read more at Thomas Euler’s Blog