Congratulations to the First Ever Gurus!


Today we are announcing the 2010 Linux Gurus and want to thank them and the rest of the community for their important contributions to the site. is built for the community by the community and represents the collective knowledge of its members from across the globe. It’s this collective collaboration that makes the site the resource it is today and will continue to improve over time.  

The Guru recognition shines a spotlight on members who have displayed their know-how with contributions on the site in a variety of ways. This advances their careers and reputation while showcasing their skills in a market that is searching for people who know Linux.  

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the Top Five Linux gurus are all Linux users: three of them are sysadmins; at least one is an active members in their local Linux User Groups (LUGs), and one is a student.

The Top Five 2010 Linux Gurus are:

Ultimate Linux Guru Masen Marshall (MasenM). Masen accumulated the most points and is the proud new owner of a fully loaded (with Linux) laptop from Dell and signed by none other than Linus Torvalds. Masen is a full-time systems administrator at a K-12 school district.

Linux Guru Kunal P. Bharati (kunal) works as a web developer and systems administrator at Raw Engineering. He is also a moderator for the North Mumbai GNU/Linux Users Group mailing list.

Linux Guru Andrea Benini (ben)has been a systems administrator for nearly 20 years and works today at Pluriservice.

Linux Guru Matthew Fillpot (mfillpot) is a Development and Training Specialist and is a moderator.

Linux Guru Dennis Wiesmann (Emperor) is a student based in Germany.

You can check out who made the Top 50 list here.

The Top Five Gurus have been invited to join The Linux Foundation in just a few weeks at the Collaboration Summit. We will host a Planning Meeting and discuss what’s working on the site and what improvements should be prioritized for the coming year. We’ll also be reviewing the results of our Community Survey. Please take two minutes to fill it out here.

Thanks again to all of the members who are making the site a useful resource for new and veteran Linux users alike. Keep sharing what you know and what you learn and maybe you’ll will be holding a laptop next year with Linus’ signature barely dry.

To review how the Linux Guru program works and points values, check out: Points are accumulated from February 16-February 15 of each year.