ContainerCon 2017 to Show Deepening Impact of Containers on Production Systems


“This year feels like the year containers came of age,” said Matt Butcher, Project Lead for Kubernetes Helm at Microsoft. As the program chair for the upcoming ContainerCon track at Open Source Summit in Los Angeles, Butcher sees a host of emerging trends and topics shaping the container landscape — for instance, network performance in systems like Mesos and Kubernetes, new and intriguing container security models, and the development of cloud-native (or cloud-first) applications.

Butcher believes that, as Microsoft invests more deeply into open source projects and the communities around them, the containerized application development community is taking a leap forward in maturity, making it feasible for container orchestration technology to finally be considered production ready. We sat down with Butcher to discuss some of the forthcoming highlights for this year’s ContainerCon.

Read more at The New Stack