Cray Debuts Aries Interconnect with Cray XC30 Supercomputer


Today Cray announced its highly anticipated line of “Cascade” supercomputers with the Cray XC30 system. Powered by Xeon processors and the Aries Interconnect technology recently purchased by Intel, Cray XC30 systems represent the flagship of the company’s offerings and feature innovative packaging and cooling optimized for ultrascale deployments of up to 100 Petaflops.

After several years of incredibly hard work focused on completing the most ambitious R&D program in our company’s history, today’s unveiling of the Cray XC30 supercomputer is an exciting moment for Cray employees and our customers who have been eagerly anticipating what is an amazing new system,” said Peter Ungaro, president and CEO of Cray. “As a follow on to our most successful, productive line of supercomputers, the Cray XC30 is the realization of our Adaptive Supercomputing vision and will provide researchers, scientists and engineers with a system that can adapt to fit their most demanding applications. We’re off to a great start with more than $100 million in contracts for this system, and we believe the Cray XC30 series of supercomputers will allow a broader base of users to leverage the world’s most advanced supercomputing technology.”

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